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1、 Guohua Zhao, J.W. Tong, M. Shen, F. Aymerich, P. Priolo. Numerical Analysis of Interlaminar Stresses of Angle-ply AS4/PEEK Laminate with a Central Hole, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 22(4) , 2009.(SCI检索) 2、Guohua Zhao, J.W. Tong, M. Shen. Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation of Interlaminar Stresses of Quasi-isotropic APC-2/AS-4 Laminate with a Central Hole Loaded in Tension,Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 23(4), 2010. (SCI检索) 3、Guohua Zhao, Qinglian Shu, Min Shen and Zhiyong Wang. Two-scale Digital Speckle Technique for Measurement of Complicated Strain Field, 3rd IEEE International Congress on Image and Signal Processing,Yantai,P.R. China, 2010.10.16-18. (EI检索) 4、Guohua Zhao, Qinglian Shu, Min Shen and Zhiyong Wang. Numerical Simulation Of Thermoplastic Composite Material By ANSYS, Advanced Materials Research,vol. 279: 181-185, 2011. (EI检索) 5、Guohua Zhao, Qinglian Shu, Bosheng Huang. Numerical Analysis of Co-cured Composite Single Lap Joint with Spew Fillets, Advanced Materials Research,vol. 279: 219-223, 2011. (EI检索) 6、Guohua Zhao, Qinglian Shu, Bosheng Huang. The Application of Two-scale DSCM to Measurement of Shear Strain Field on Free Edge of Notched Thermoplastic Laminate,4th IEEE International Congress on Image and Signal Processing,Shanghai, P.R. China, 2011.10.16-18. (EI检索) 7、Guohua Zhao, Qinglian Shu, Bosheng Huang. Effect of Geometry on Stress Distribution of Spew Fillet of Co-cured Composite Single Lap Joint. Advanced Materials Research , Vol. 368 (2012): 179-182. (EI检索) 8、Guohua Zhao, Qinglian Shu, Bosheng Huang. Numerical Analysis of Interlaminar Stress Distributions around Hole in Thermoplastic Laminate. Advanced Materials Research , Vol. 373 (2012):1543-1546. (EI检索 |